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EuroChamber newsletter
14 April 2023
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EuroChamber held a meeting with Chairman of the National Committee for Port Revitalisation, Minister B. Tulga
EuroChamber held a meeting with Chairman of the National Committee for Port Revitalisation, Minister B. Tulga
Chairman of the National Committee for Port Revitalisation, Minister B. Tulga, and Director of Border Port Administration Mr. B. Bathishig spoke to our members about the policies implemented by the government in the area of port revitalisation.

We appreciate Minister B. Tulga for joining us on his first day of being appointed in the position, and Mr. Batkhishig for giving an expert information about the government policies.

We congratulate former Chairman of the National Committee for Port Revitalisation, Minister Kh. Bulgantuya who was planning to attend this meeting, for being appointed as the Minister of Labor and Social Protection and we wish her every success in her new endeavor.

We thank our Premium member Bodi International for sponsoring this event.
EuroChamber's “Sustainability and Energy” Working Group on 13 April
EuroChamber's “Sustainability and Energy” Working Group on 13 April
EuroChamber’s “Sustainability and Energy” Working Group is now back on track with its meeting on 13 April, 2023.

This time it offered a training on Sustainability under topics "What is Sustainability?", and "Is your sector Sustainable?" in cooperation with ToC Kholboo (Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association).

We thank ТоС Холбоо/MSFA for valuable knowledge-sharing.

We are also grateful to Khan Bank for giving an introductory note on its CSR and providing a conference room.
Upcoming events
Notice on time change of the meeting with MP and Minister Uchral on April 17
Notice on time change of the meeting with MP and Minister Uchral on April 17
Notice on time change of the meeting with Member of Parliament and Minister of Digital Development Uchral Nyam-Osor

We apologise for having to change the time of our meeting due to the change in the Minister's schedule.

The meeting will be held at New York room, Shangri-La Hotel
at 4.00 p.m.- 6 p.m. on April 17, 2023.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

For members: Complimentary
For non-members: MNT 50,000

We are looking forward to seeing you.
Register here
According to international studies*, companies with higher employee retention rates outperformed their peers by 22% in terms of revenue growth, 26% in terms of customer satisfaction, and demonstrated higher effectiveness in innovation and competitiveness. About 94% of employees would stay longer if their employers invested in their career development, and 54% if they felt valued and appreciated, which goes to show the importance of leadership, career growth, workplace culture, conditions, and perks in talent retention.

Talent retention is not only essential to business growth, it is key to economic development and sustainable development. That’s why the theme of this year’s "New Work Summit: Good Workplace Awards” Annual Forum is “Talent Retention - for Business & Economic Development and the SDGs". The forum will provide a platform for industry leaders and GWA 2022 winners to disseminate their best practices in talent retention, help set new and innovative standards and solutions, and award the GWA 2023 winners.

Good Workplace Awards will be organized by Nito on Friday, 26 May 2023 in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia in partnership with EuroChamber, Zorig Foundation and the Business Council of Mongolia.

*World Economic Forum, McKinsey and Company, Harvard Business Review, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Society for Human Resource Management, Linkedin, Glassdoor
18 April. Wines & Spirits Working Group meeting

24 April. Banking & Finance Group meeting
Member Insight: EuroChamber's Interview
Interview with U.Bolortuya, Managing Partner, Tsogt and Nandin LLP
Interview with U.Bolortuya, Managing Partner, Tsogt and Nandin LLP
What is your company’s most significant accomplishment in the past year? What is your company’s priority for this year?

We have successfully overcome the post-pandemic difficulties. We accepted and were open to the need to change from the traditional way to the new normal in terms of finance, management, and human resource policies. That helped us to succeed during this period. This year, we aim to standardize our legal professional services and bring them to the next level. By doing this, not only "lawyer-client" but also "lawyer-lawyer" relationships should be standardized - it could increase productivity and reduce risks caused by uncertainty.

What is a good experience at your company that you would like to share with others?

We have been providing legal services in the business sector for over 20 years. We aim to provide business-oriented, down-to-earth advice and services by understanding the real needs of our clients while prioritizing professionalism. We provided legal services in many areas. We have many experiences such as - participating as an expert in several international arbitration disputes, successfully resolving major tax disputes, being responsible for legal issues in the establishment of a private stock exchange, and participating in due diligence investigations in large transnational transactions.

Please describe yourself in 5 words.

open-minded, empathetic, affiliative leading, coffee lover, feminist

Please tell us what kind of book/ movie/ drama or any other art that made the deepest impression on you recently.

"Soyoliin urtuu" (Cultural station) magazine. I felt that it was a work that interestingly expressed who we are (Mongolians) through the historical research of cultural studies and allowed us to look at our culture and traditions from a different angle.

What has been the most significant benefit of being a member of EuroChamber Mongolia?

I am open to presenting specific problems faced by businesses at the policy level and participating in solving them as an individual or as an organization. Also, the activities of working groups are held regularly. These activities serve as a channel for obtaining a wide range of information and networking. This makes it easier to sense the market and business environment and to make decisions in one's own activities.
Mongolia Updates
Dairy Asia to Support Export Oriented and Value-Added Dairy Industry
Dairy Asia to Support Export Oriented and Value-Added Dairy Industry
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia, and Dairy Asia, Intergovernmental Organization, established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure the long-term sustainable development of Mongolia’s food and agriculture sector, to implement the strategic goals of the country’s dairy industry (export oriented and value added) and to strengthen the Dairy Asia partnership based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. On April 12, the Ministry’s State Secretary Mr. Jambaltseren Tumur-Uya and CEO & Coordinator of the Dairy Asia Mr. Batbaatar Bayarmagnai signed the Memorandum.

Parties will cooperate in the following activities:

1. To improve the competitiveness of Mongolia's dairy industry, through increasing the involvement and participation of stakeholders of the country’s dairy sector to the Dairy Asia’s event series with knowledge sharing and information exchanging.

2. To promote the effective development and cooperation between the public, private sector, industrial associations, and international partner organizations in the country’s dairy sector.

3. To increase the utilization of Mongolia's milk resources, to support the dairy farmers and herders in remote areas for import substitution, export oriented and value-added dairy sector and to promote the Mongolia’s dairy industry internationally.

4. Jointly establish a unified e-platform (database) of research and studies in the country’s dairy industry, develop research-based policies, and work together to study the possibilities of introducing technological research into practice.

5. Jointly implement activities to accession the target countries (with a good cooperation of Mongolia) in the North-East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, and the Middle East to Dairy Asia.

6. Support the establishment of the "World Yak Association" and "International Bactrian Camel Association" in Mongolia and the creation of "World Yak Day" as part of the Dairy Asia’s initiative.

7. In the framework of the strategy to increase the milk consumption and support the milk production, jointly celebrate "World Milk Day" (1st June) and "World School Milk Day" (the last Wednesday of September) in an effective way, to increase the involvement and participation of milk producers and consumers to the celebration events.

8. Support the initiative of the Dairy Asia Secretariat to celebrate the last seven days of May every year as the "Asian Milk Week" in anticipation of the "World Milk Day" and to increase the public awareness of the sustainable milk production and consumption.

9. Jointly implement projects and programs in the direction of cooperation in the dairy sector within the framework of the Asian Development Bank’s Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation /CAREC/ initiative and other donor countries and international organizations.

10. Jointly study the possibilities “School Milk Program” to Mongolia and develop proposals.

Dairy Asia, founded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2014 is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to building a socially and environmentally responsible Asian dairy sector that enhances rural livelihoods, improves nutrition, and contributes to economic prosperity in the region. The Dairy Asia Secretariat Office was established in Ulaanbaatar in 2020.

Source: montsame.mn
Two Ministers Appointed
Two Ministers Appointed
On April 7, Member of Parliament Kh. Bulgantuya was appointed as a Cabinet Member and Minister of Labor and Social Protection and B.Tulga as a Cabinet Member and Chair of the National Commission of Border Port Recovery.

Former Labor and Social Welfare T.Ayursaikan was released from his post at his request as having alleged for a corruption case. MP Kh. Bulgantuya was working as Minister of Border Port Recovery since January of this year.

During his presentation on the appointment proposal to the State Great Khural Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene noted that it is proper to replace Kh. Bulgantuya considering to use her working experience as a Member of Cabinet and Finance Deputy Minister in development of package Laws on Social Security, the Unified Savings Fund, and the Wealth Fund at the Parliament; bringing the National Tripartite Agreement on Labor and Social Consensus to a new level in line with international standards; and making comprehensive reform to eliminate the gap in salaries and pensions of public employees. The Prime Minister also emphasized that it is progressive to have a female politician in charge of labor and social protection issues.

As for Mongolian People's Party Secretary B.Tulga, his working experience in government as the Deputy Minister of Environment and Green Development and the Deputy Minister of Education and Science was taken into account. In addition he took part in advancing the economic corridor dialogue between Mongolia, Russia, and China.

Source: montsame.mn
Netherlands Trade Mission to Mongolia to take place in the week of 12-16 June.
Netherlands Trade Mission to Mongolia will take place in the week of 12-16 June.

The mission will be organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Beijing, in close cooperation with the Honorary Consul in Mongolia, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), and the Business Council Mongolia (BCM). Participation will only be open for Dutch companies with a presence in China.

The focus of this mission will most likely be the agricultural sector (technology, horticulture, storage, R&D, etc.), but could be broader (renewable energy), depending on the interest shown for this mission by Dutch companies.

Source: linkedin
Read More
President Receives Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
President Receives Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Mr. Zhang Ming paid a courtesy call on President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh on April 12, 2023.

President U. Khurelsukh stated that Mongolia pursues a peace-oriented, open, multi-pillar and independent foreign policy and strives to participate actively and productively in the multifaceted trade and economic processes taking place in the region.

In this context, the President confirmed that Mongolia would continue to actively cooperate with SCO members, observers, and dialogue partner countries as an observer country.

Secretary General Mr. Zhang Ming expressed his high appreciation for Mongolia's participation in the SCO and gratitude for its active activities since becoming an observer.

The parties exchanged views on relations between Mongolia and the SCO, and cooperation in trade, economy, investment, agriculture, energy, transport logistics, tourism, environment and humanitarian sectors.

Source: montsame.mn
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