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Save the dateNovember 30, 202316:30 - 18:00 GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Shangri-la office

19A-C, Olympic Street 1, Ulaanbaatar 14241
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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Contact Person: Byambakhand Luguusharav
Event Details
Event Details

The EuroChamber cordially invites you to its Foreign Direct Investment Working Group event, scheduled for November 30, 2023, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 Rio Tinto Board Room, 17th floor, Shangri-La Office. While the Working Group welcomes both EuroChamber members and other interested parties, please note that the meeting venue has a limited capacity, allowing for a maximum of 20 participants. Therefore, early registration is strongly encouraged. This event is free of charge.

The FDI Working Group of EuroChamber primarily includes companies in the mining sector and suppliers to the mining industry. In 2022, the Working Group issued a position paper on the Mineral Transfer Tax, expressing concerns about the validation methods mandated by the Mongolian Tax Office for the transfer of special licenses in Mongolia. Throughout the meetings in 2023, the FDI Working Group has put forth suggestions regarding the draft Investment Law and the draft Minerals Law.

The FDI Working Group is chaired by Mr. Daniel Mahoney, Partner at MahoneyLiotta LLP.

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